Friday, October 27, 2006

Could you be my...Won't you be my...Won't you be my neighbor?

Ahhh yes, neighbors. Aren't they great? Not always. I recently moved to a different state with new surroundings, and it all takes some getting used to. However, I truly believe I have the neighbor from hell-but not for long...

I am originally from North Carolina, and for some reason, people seem to think if you are from the South, you grew up in a "big 'ole house on a farm". Sorry audience, I actually grew up on a street! With city lights! With cars! On a paved road! I even lived in an apartment!!! I know, I know, please hold your excitement; mainstream cities in the South do exist. Who woulda thunk it? Well, my next door neighbor doesn't seem to think so.

Prior to moving in, my roomate and I were informed by the previous tenant, that the neighbor obviously has sensitive ears because he can hear the TV in the living room, apparently his bedroom is located next to it. So, we took this into consideration, and the first night we moved in while watching TV, knock, knock, knock on our wall. Hmm, ok, maybe it is too loud, so we turned it down. Knock, knock, knock. Wellll, ok, maybe we should move the TV on another wall, the walls are probably thin. You see how southern hospitality can actually work in everyone's favor? Oh no, not for Mr. Rogers evil twin next door.

About a week goes by, Knock, Knock, Knock on our wall. At this point my roomate decides to buy a TV and just watch it in his bedroom. I did not see a point in having a 32 inch TV with mountains of DVDs sitting in the living room turned off 24 hours a day, so I figured, just one person watching TV shouldn't be a bother, especially if I am concious of the sound level, right? I did say this was Mr. Roger's evil twin, right?

So, I am watching TV around 11:30 pm, that is what normal people do when they are at home I think; please someone leave a comment, if I am living in another world. I have the TV so low that our 55 gallon fish tank filters are louder than the TV. Knock, Knock, Knock. I laugh at this point because this man has to be kidding me. He does it again. Ok, southern hospitality obviously only gets you but so far where I am, so I knock back, while almost breaking my remote in the process, yelling I live here to sir! (see, that damn southern hospitality, sir, I should have said Jackass!).

Within 2 minutes, I hear a knock on my door. This man has lost his mind. My roomate and I go downstairs, and this man, who actually could be Mr. Roger's twin if he had a red cardigan, attempts to sound sincere when he says he and his daughter have been living there six years and are just trying to go to bed, and all he hears is this loud thump from music-I was watching a DVD, not a music channel. We go back and forth, and finally my roomate and I tell this wack-o, Listen, you do not pay for us to live here, we are not children, you have been living here for six years, so obviously you know the walls are thin- maybe you should move your bed because we have been MORE than considerate, the tenant prior to us had the same problem with you and we are not going to deal with it, don't knock on our wall again, period. He commences to say, You people obviously want to... What did he say? You people?? What the hell is that supposed to mean? Of course he stumbles on his words, and at this point our conversation is over. We tell him again to not knock on our wall, or there will be a major problem coming his way. While still trying to find the right words to say, he saw a door slam in his face. Wow, that felt great!

Well, needless to say, it's only been a week, but we have not heard any knocking on our walls :-) We informed our landlord of this incident, who happens to be the previous tenant, and he let us know he agrees 100% and the next time this idiot knocks or comes over to call him and he will take care of it, Man I love Jersey!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I too have the neighbor from hell. Glad you are out of that situation. :)