Thursday, December 09, 2010

Me: Unscripted. Ep01

The phrase I use to describe my blog is 'a perspective on existing in all that life is, does, and will be.'   I also feel that my blog is schizophrenic- in a good way (if there is such a thing).  I am affected by everything from pop culture to CNN to strangers on the street. When I feel, I write.  The only niche I need to make my blog successful are living, breathing, imperfect you.  With that being said, this post is completely random.  I just want to share what's going on in the colorful mind of Tiff.

Random thought #1- Jimmy Kimmel is hilarious.  I've come to love him since I only have 10 channels- 5 in Spanish. 

Random thought #2- I am having the absolute worst week at work (with the exception of decorating my office for Christmas).  I won't even elaborate.  Just know it was @#^$^&%&*@ (insert any word, I'm sure it applies). 

Random thought #3- My love life sucks.  Well, I take that back, it's not that bad.  It's in the danger zone though.

Random thought #4- I'm really ready to find a new apt.  I like my studio in Jersey.  I don't like the candy cane ornament made of bells that my landlord put on the door, or her dogs that bark every time I turn my key, or the pictures of her family in the hallway (it's a converted 2 family home).  It's nice, don't get me wrong, but I just want an actual bedroom. With a door.

Random thought #5 (associated with #4)- a new apt with more space will make me and NuNu a better family.  He is on his 8th life.

Random thought #6- This wikileaks situation is out of hand.  I will definitely post a full blog on this later.

That's all I have right now. I am working on 4 hours of sleep and though insomnia has no intentions of leaving me tonight, my fingers are fighting the power.  This was fun- I think I will give my Unscripted posts a recurring role.  When I get my official-official website, my schizo posts will be on meds, and much more organized :-)  Until then.......

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