Friday, November 04, 2011

Maury Can Thank Justin Bieber for Increased Viewership/Google Searches

I have a feeling Justin Bieber will be stealing this dance move if the paternity test results are in his favor.  Well, that's if he takes the test.  The media has taken this story by storm, though I attribute it to slow pop culture drama- I mean between the MJ trial (sad but not sensational), Lindsay Lohan (yawn), and Kim Kardashian's divorce (which had a surprise factor equivalent to Ricky Martin coming out), it's a no-brainer this is major pop news.  However, I'm going to take this story in a different direction, now that the police may investigate the accuser for statutory rape (she was 19 and Bieber 16 at the time of alleged encounter).  I can't believe the blatant double standard that is being exhibited by the media and public in general. 

I don't understand how the term statutory rape is being thrown around (even though legally it is) when I specifically remember People magazine gushing over Hillary Duff and Joel Madden, despite her being 16 and he 24?  Statutory rape never entered the media picture. Go back further to American Rock/Country singer Jerry Lee Lewis who married his 13 y/o cousin at the age of 23.  Sure there was scandal, but no jail time.  We of course can't forget then 27 y/o R. Kelly who allegedly (why are we still saying "allegedly" this is totally true) married singer Aaliyah when she was 15. More recently there is the 51 y/o actor from Lost who married his 15 y/o girlfriend.  I don't care if her mom gave permission, where is the justice in that??

To bring home my point, I just feel that there is a major double standard in terms of women engaging in inappropriate behavior versus men.  And I don't like it.  While I'm at it, I also don't like the way this girl is being dragged through the mud for her looks; granted I couldn't quite understand what the Biebs may have seen in her.  But then I thought about it.  If he wasn't "Bieber,"  he'd be a 16 year old acne-prone, short, awkward teenager looking for some action.  And to an extent, he still was.  So maybe she was up his alley.  I don't like to document anything if I can't prove it, but I'm going on a limb to say this baby isn't Bieber's: #1 her story is wack [he insisted on not using a condom--- so I assume she jumps off bridges with friends too] and  #2 she went to a trashy magazine to sell her story. 

Ok I'm done talking about this until (if) the result come in...


Anonymous said...

LOL I don't think Bieber will be doing the dance-- because it didn't happen (he is gay).

Unknown said...

Another thoughtful piece OD, got me thinking!

Longlashes1163 said...

Unfortunately, there is usually a double standard when there are polar opposites, i.e. young & old, rich & poor, black & white, male & female.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree. What the F**K is the deal with these men getting with these little girls? How can they even look themselves in the mirror. Pathetic! Completely disgusting and sad and makes me sick. Get a clue. And what's the deal with the media not standing up for what is right...not even having it be an issue? Statutory Rape.